
There are thousands of products out there for your pup. We are regularly testing, reviewing and sharing the gear we love. We only recommend products that we have tested, trust and found very useful. Our goal is to give as in-depth of coverage on each product as possible. Learn and discover new products below by reading our review, you can also support the site by purchasing via the Amazon shop now links.

Custom Dog Tags

Flexi Explore Retractable Dog Leash
We love this dynamic affordable dog lead. It is simple to use and very durable, designed for use with small to large dogs under 110 pounds. With over 26ft of length the Flexi Explore gives your dog the freedom to roam and explore while still being under control and safe. This is a must have for anyone who walks their dog in public areas where keeping your dog close but allowing it to explore when appropriate are essential to a good walk.

1. Durable
2. Dynamic
3. Extra long 26ft reach
4. Light weight and comfortable in your hand
5. Lifetime warranty

1. Not recommended for large dogs over 110 pounds.
2. Bulky when compared to a traditional lead

Looking for more gear for your pup? Stay tuned as we will be adding more and more gear each day as we test and use gear that we think you will love. Have a product of your own that you would like featured on our blog? Get in touch with us and we can talk details.